Best Outcomes After Joint Replacement Surgery

Total joint replacements − hip, knee, or shoulder − are highly effective operations for debilitating arthritis. Despite routine procedural success, however, many patients (up to 30%) go on to report dissatisfaction with their surgical results. If asked: “What outcomes are most important to you after undergoing a joint replacement,” they reply: 1) pain relief,

Recovering from COVID

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is mostly behind us, those who were infected should know about lingering symptoms and long-term consequence. Both require attention.
Most of us realize that infection was worse among the elderly. People already suffering from diabetes, overweight and obesity, heart and lung disease, and a host of other ailments were at greater risk for terrible infections,


The COVID-19 pandemic affects us all in different ways. Most people fully recover from

the infection but others have persistent problems. Ongoing medical complications can

include loss of taste and smell, heart and lungs problems, muscle weakness, reduced

strength, less endurance, and even diabetes. These issues are more common in people

over 60 and contribute to an increase in falls and less physical activity overall.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

This first article in a three-part series overviews knee replacement. It cites current statistics and helps you to determine when surgery is actually needed. In the second part of the series, I will provide suggestions on how to prepare for surgery, describe the surgery itself and tell you why it’s necessary. The last article in the series will explain the stages of rehabilitation and the proper use of physical therapy.

It’s Never Too Late to Rehabilitate – A Prescription for Well-being

Regular physical
activity is essential to good health and well-being but many people simply don’t
make time for it.  Instead, they spend
small fortunes on expensive supplements and foolish gimmicks, thinking that
they can take the easy way out. But they are only fooling themselves. Gerontologist,
Dr. Ronan Factora, says  “no pill is
going to provide as many benefits as simple exercise.” 

Is Sitting the new Smoking?

The answer is yes according to Dr. Edward Laskowski of the Mayo Clinic.

When you sit, you use less energy and extended sitting-such as at a desk, behind the wheel or in front of a screen-can be harmful.

13 studies found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day without physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying associated with obesity and smoking.