Total Knee Replacement Surgery

This first article in a three-part series overviews knee replacement. It cites current statistics and helps you to determine when surgery is actually needed. In the second part of the series, I will provide suggestions on how to prepare for surgery, describe the surgery itself and tell you why it’s necessary. The last article in the series will explain the stages of rehabilitation and the proper use of physical therapy.

Let’s get started.

The main reason for knee replacement is arthritis – inflammation and destruction of the knee joint. Over time, our knees simple wear out. Obesity is the leading cause of the problem because excess weight puts excess stress on all weight-bearing joints, especially the knees.

Overall, when needed, surgery is very successful: 95% of patients express satisfaction with their replacement, 90% report dramatic pain relief, and only 7% have some complication in their first 90 days of recovery.

Because our population is aging, the number of knee replacements is increasing.  More than 54,000 are performed each year in the United States; 63% of patients are women, and 80% of replacements last for 20 years or more.

This information should assure you that knee replacement is common, highly successful and effective; if you have knee problems, you’re not alone! Now, the important questions are: how bad is the problem, what should you do about it, and when? After trying to resolve knee damage with lifestyle change, physical therapy, and possibly drugs or injections, perhaps surgery is the answer. If you are limited in walking, shopping and doing simply activities that you enjoy – or if it’s painful just going to the mailbox – it could be time for something more.  Ask yourself: “Have I tried everything?” We at Town and Country can help you decide. If surgery is needed, you can face that need with confidence that relief is on its way. Surgery and physical therapy can restore normal function and a happy, healthy, active lifestyle.

We’re happy to help!

Beth Pantages, PT          Physical Therapist and Owner

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