The COVID-19 pandemic affects us all in different ways. Most people fully recover from the infection but others have persistent problems. Ongoing medical complications can include loss of taste and smell, heart and lungs problems, muscle weakness, reduced strength, less endurance, and even diabetes. These issues are more common in people over 60 and contribute to an increase in falls and less physical activity overall. But these things can be prevented or reversed with therapy. At Town and Country Physical Therapy, we can evaluate your particular problems and develop a program specific to your needs. Unlike at other providers, we offer one-on-one treatments to increase your activity tolerance and safely. Patient education and a progressive Home Exercise Program are always included. If COVID restrictions or isolation, actual infection or prolonged recovery decreased your energy level or weakened your body and spirit, a short course of Physical Therapy can get you back to normal more quickly and restore your prior level of activity. WE CAN HELP! Call for an appointment today! A referral from your doctor is required for insurance coverage and ‘low or no-cost” care.

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